
英文心得-110年學海飛颺計畫-美國研習-經管系 侯同學



The Experience of Exchange

Hello everyone, my name is Hou Yan-Jiun, and I’m in the second year of my master's degree at NUU. My major is business management. It was my pleasure to be an exchange student at the University of Nebraska at Kearney (UNK) in the United States. I had an awesome life at UNK. Before going to UNK, I knew nothing about UNK, Kearney, or even Nebraska. I searched where Nebraska is, where Kearney is, and what is in there on google, but I still didn't have any ideas. After I arrived at UNK, I just began to understand this place more and more. It's safe and quiet, and the local people are friendly. It's a great place for international students to study. I like the location and environment of UNK so much. All of the teachers, staff, and students at UNK are so nice. No matter our problems, they are very friendly and willing to help us. In fact, they gave us a lot of guidance at the beginning of the semester on how to live at UNK or in the U.S., which made it easier for us to integrate into the local life and we hardly encountered any difficult problems or situations. I was so happy at UNK every day. 

UNK has a wide variety of programs for students to choose from, and students can choose courses based on their interests. It does not matter if it is not related to my major, especially as an exchange student I can choose courses that are not available at my home university or that I didn't have time to take in the past. Although I felt a lot of autonomy in my classes at the university of the US, it was not easy. There were assignments or reports in almost every class, and some of them were quite heavy. Many of them were not easy to complete. Some of the teachers checked the attendance in class. There were also discussions and interactions necessarily in class, and everyone had to speak. All in all, although the classes were not easy, I didn't feel that they were very difficult. Looking back on this semester, it was an enriching and great experience.

Living abroad can really teach us a lot of different things. Maybe it's just one little thing, but every little thing is a learning experience. And when we put them all together, they give us a different perspective. This exchange opportunity allowed me to learn more about the United States, and taking classes at UNK allowed me to learn and try different ways of learning. There are many things that are difficult to experience in Taiwan, and staying in an all-English environment to strengthen my English skills was something I have always wanted to do before. Living in Kearney is comfortable and the people are very kind, so international students can easily interact with them. In the process of communication, we learned how to get along with Americans and had more conversations with native English speakers, which helped to improve our English skills. I am so thankful for everyone I met at UNK and Kearney because they made my life great. This exchange student trip has become one of the best memories of my life so far. Highly recommend people who are interested in living abroad be exchange students.



109年學海飛颺計畫-法國研習-資工系 彭同學

 活動名稱:109年學海飛颺計畫-法國研修 國外實習國家/學校:法國/蒙彼利埃綜合理工學院 一、緣起  本人對法國文化有著濃厚的興趣以及熱情,在校就讀期間曾選修法文課,並於2018年暑假前往法國進行為期一個月的自由行,該次是我第一次踏上法國土地並開始實地認識這 個地方,也讓我深深為此地著迷。在2019年,位於法國的姊妹校Polytech Montpellier舉辦了 暑期交流活動「Polytech Flow」,我在第一時間便報名參加前往,在活動中我學習到不少專業知識以及更了解當地文化,也種下了我再回到此地學習的種因。 二、研修學校介紹 Polytech Montpellier 是一所工程學院,隸屬於蒙彼利埃大學(UniversitéMontpellier)。 該學院有50年校史,設有6大培訓領域,分別為:微電子與自動化、科學與水科技、力學與 交互作用、生物和農業食品工程、材料學以及電腦科學與管理。學院共有1350位學生,每 年有300位學生畢業,畢業生薪資中位數為32,000至35,000歐元。 三、國外研修之課程學習(課內) 這次研修共修習主修課程兩門:「創新與行銷(Innovation and Marketing)」及「物件導向 程式設計(Object-Oriented Design and Programming) 」,以及通識課程法語一門。 創新與行銷為利用市場分析、競爭分析、營銷計劃等方法設計新產品或提供服務,並透 過撰寫書面報告或口頭報告來發表。該課程以分組方式進行,每4-5 名學生為一組,在每次 課程結束時,各組都必須在數位學習平台上傳結果,並於期末進行總結口頭報告。 物件導向程式設計介紹了物件導向設計的基本概念:封裝(Encapsulation)、繼承 四、國外研修之生活學習(課外)  本次研修除了在課堂上學習的知識之外,還親自體會了許多法國與臺灣不同的文化習俗。在眾多文化差異中,令我印象最深刻的是法國的預約制度以及醫療分級制度。  在法國生活,無論大小事皆需要進行預約,小至到餐廳用餐、去髮廊理髮或與醫生預約看診,大至到銀行開戶、辦理宿舍入住等,無一不需先行預約。剛至法國生活時因沒有 進行預約的習慣,時常導致無法參與活動以及申辦各式文件。 其他文化差異還有嚴明的醫療分級制度。赴外期間曾於假日半夜嚴重腹痛及腹瀉,至 醫院

英文心得-108年學海飛颺計畫-美國研習-經管系 吳同學

活動名稱:108年學海飛颺計畫-美國研修 國外實習國家/學校:美國/馬里蘭州霜堡州立大學 Origins     When I failed the high school entrance exam, I wanted to pursue a career in college, and I chose National Union University (NUU) as my future path because of the emphasis on the Dual Degree System, which had been established with Frostburg State University only in the last ten years. Although I learned from the department chair and many teachers that the number of applicants for the Dual Degree program is not so many, and the application information and application process are not that complete and transparent, I always believe that when I complete a difficult task, the achievement and experience I gain will make my life path much smoother, so I have been actively pursuing the Dual Degree program during my two years at NUU.     The main reason for choosing the U.S. is that the U.S. is known as a "melting pot of cultures," and there are many students of different races, ethnicities, and cultural backgrounds in the U.